Manuel Hernandez Valdez
Manuel Hernandez Valdez
Amazona Del Yumuri
Manuel Hernandez Valdes was born in Cuba in 1943. He sets during thirty years in the major events of Art in Havana.
He also presented paintings in Belgium, Mexico, Germany and Spain.
Its main feature is having several vocations. In addition to his reputation as a painter, he is also known as a cartoonist, ceramist, illustrator etc.
He obtained:
– Pablo Picasso Medal of UNESCO
– The journalism price-National Jose Marti
His works are found in important private collections such as:
– Danielle Mitterrand Foundation
– Geraldine Chaplin Collection
– Mario Benedetti Collection
This painter very representative of the Cuban Art idealizes the human body, integrated in nature caraibe: planting sugar cane, banana, tobacco etc